Local Government Act 1976

This act outlines the local government's form, structure, roles and responsibilities comprehensively. The responsibilities in the town and country planning matters.

Roads, Drains and Buildings Act 1974

This act describes the various roles of the local government with regards to the drainage, maintenance of municipal roads as well as public buildings. Other than these three mentioned acts, the various other laws include the by-laws which have been legislated and enforced to facilitate the operations of the local government.

Town and Village Planning Act 1976

This act has been legislated to overcome the land use planning problems in the local areas. Act 172 places this major responsibility as the physical planner at local level to the local government.

Notifications under Section 1 (2) of the Town and Village Planning Act 1976

The act which is applicable domestically may only be enforced on a date stipulated by the State Authority regarding the Minister's agreement. Minister here refers to the Cabinet Minister responsible for the town and country planning matters.

Notifications under Subsection 4 (2) of the Local Government Act

It is an act regarding the change of name and status, as well as the alteration of boundaries.

Last Update: Wednesday, 2 December 2020 - 9:03am